There are lots of action RPG games that bring a unique and very exciting anime style into the mix. Sand Land does that, and at the same time, it provides some rather engaging mechanics. As you might already know, Sand Land is based on the homonymous manga, and it has a very loyal audience. That being said, people have been very excited to learn that this game might actually bring a very fast paced, unique style into the mix.

It’s important to note that there’s a lot of buzz around the Sand Land game, and for a very good reason. The manga series is beloved, and people are always looking for a fun JRPG they can play. Sand Land seems to fit all the requirements that fans have, and so much more. It’s nice to see that they are focused on bringing a unique gameplay style, while also not rushing anything. That being said, you can be a leader for the misfits and join a rather epic adventure.

Does Sand Land include Akira Toriyama in any way?
The great thing about Sand Land is that yes, the creator of the manga was working on the project with the devs before passing away. So while he was unable to see the game come to fruition, the reality is that he has his footprint and ideas deep into the core of the game. That’s great, because a lot of people like the Sand Land anime and manga experience, and want that to translate well into the videogame.
Sometimes, that might not work very well. That’s because the manga creators aren’t always involved into the development process of the title. And when that happens, there can be a bit of a disconnect. That doesn’t mean the game will be bad, but there might be some issues or problems that arise. That’s why Sand Land is in a very lucky spot.
Even if the manga creator unfortunately passed away, he was able to offer guidance when it came to the story, where it should go, the quests and so on. That gives a lot of confidence in the eyes of players, because they expect the devs to take all of that and create a very good game. Of course, it might take a bit until we will see the game, but the overall reception for the title is indeed very positive. And that’s always going to be a very good thing.
What’s the general consensus for the story?
The game is based on the manga, so we will go with Thief, Ann, Rao and Beelzebub as they try to find the Legendary Spring. However, getting to that spring is not going to be a stroll in the park. Instead, the group has to face a lot of daemons and dangerous monsters. Plus, there’s a very powerful king that’s controlling everything, so it will be very difficult to try and reach those results. That being said, the game itself does provide you with a unique range of mechanics to help you achieve that.
Another thing to note is that you are playing from a third person perspective. There’s no specific info when it comes to how and if you can switch between characters. We assume that is the case, but we will have to wait for some official confirmation from the developers. Knowing that might take a bit of extra time, as the devs share more details. We do know that you can play as Beelzebub, however other characters aren’t really confirmed to be playable, as of yet anyway.

Things to know about the Sand Land gameplay
The Sand Land gameplay is quite interesting because you have a variety of attack types. You have 2 melee attack types, light and heavy. Each one of them can fit specific situations, depending on the enemies that you will encounter. Another thing we need to know is that you can indeed dodge enemies if you want, which is a major plus. You have the opportunity to dodge sideways or mid-air, if you want. That certainly adds a unique way of playing the game, while also not pressuring you in case things might be wrong.
With that in mind, Sand Land does allow you to progress in the game, like a true RPG. That means you can unlock special abilities and skills once you play the game. It’s a nice approach and it does allow players to improve their routine and push it to the next level.
Plus, the more abilities you get, the better it will be for you since you can take on stronger characters. You can also unlock new skills for the companions if you want. That might show us that it’s not possible to switch the character. But even playing as Beelzebub should be a lot of fun, and players are bound to have a very exciting, engaging and fast paced experience.
The game will have vehicles and these can be very good for transversal. There’s the hovercar that allows you to go over water, but also explore the wetlands and challenging terrains with ease. Some of the vehicles can be extremely good especially when it comes to combat. That’s why you should not dismiss how great some of these vehicles might be, so it’s definitely a good idea to check them out.
Sand Land will allow your character to carry up to 5 vehicle capsules at any time. That means you will be able to switch between the vehicles which will fit your specific requirements. The ability to use these against larger enemies in particular is something that we enjoy, and it’s certainly going to be super useful especially as you learn the ins and outs of these. While they might not seem like much at first, they will surely become very useful, and it’s totally worth taking all of that into consideration as a player.
Extensive vehicle customization
Having an emphasis on vehicles is not something that’s going to amaze a lot of people who know the manga. That’s because players pretty much expected this type of stuff to happen. With that in mind, the fact that we can go ahead and customize the vehicles is a surprise though. We can add weapons to the vehicles, new engines and a variety of other parts.
The opportunity to fully adjust and implement unique ways of playing is always going to be fun. And since you can have 5 vehicles, you can easily experiment and build vehicles based on what you need, whenever you see fit. That type of customization certainly adds to the experience and it’s bound to provide a rewarding set of benefits. For players that love customizing vehicles and messing around with all those features, it can indeed be a very good idea and something you want to consider here.
That being said, once you add parts to the vehicles, you are improving them and that can be great. It definitely encourages you to experiment and include new ways of playing, while also not rushing into anything. That’s what a lot of people want from Sand Land, and it seems that we are indeed getting it.

Will you have living quarters for Beelzebub?
It seems that yes, you can have your own living quarters in the game. And the developers went a bit further by allowing you to customize those living quarters. We will have our quarters in Spino, the city and you can easily add furniture but also a multitude of other items. That’s a cool thing to have and it surely encourages the gameplay to get only better and better all the time.
You can also find a variety of side activities in the game too. The fact that you can go into bounty hunting and racing is a lot of fun. It’s always nice when the developers go the extra mile to deliver a very engaging and gameplay focused experience. With that in mind, the attention to detail offered to the graphics is incredible.
We truly feel like in the manga, but with way more detail, and the opportunity to go pretty much wherever we want. It does seem that the game at least tries to be open world, yet at the same time it also comes with its fair share of challenges. That’s why it makes sense to try it out for yourself and see if you like it. As a fan of the Sand Land manga, you are definitely going to have a great time. But it might very well be a fun way for others to get introduced into this world and see if they like it.
Is there a Sand Land Switch version?
Unfortunately, Sand Land does not have a Switch version. The Sand Land platforms are Windows, PS4 and PS5, but also Xbox Series X and S. The reason is most likely the complexity of the game and not being able to land it on Switch in a proper, visually appealing manner. That doesn’t mean the game will not eventually come to a Nintendo platform, but there are no details. For now, at least, there’s no Switch version that we can expect, so keep that in mind.
What’s the Sand Land release date?
The game is set to be released on April 25th in Japan and on April 26th Worldwide. That means the title will have a one day head start for Japanese players, with the others being able to play the next day. We are very close to the release, and it’s exciting to see how the game will end up getting received by the audience.
Until now, the overall consensus is very positive. A lot of people love the manga, and the game coming very soon after the creator’s unfortunate passing is like a love letter to the entire world and its characters. Going the RPG route was quite interesting, but also expected since the game does have a vast world, plenty of ideas for quests and characters, not to mention a very innovative progression system. So it definitely makes sense to get into this and immerse yourself, because there’s a whole lot of stuff to be had.
Exploring a massive game world
A lot of people are accustomed to the city of Spino from the Manga. But the reality is that we will go beyond the dunes and into some new locations. The graphics are fascinating and it’s nice to see that the title is made in Unreal Engine 5. It definitely adds a unique way of creating such a world, and the visual details themselves are truly spectacular.

With that in mind, that doesn’t mean the game will be perfect. Yet from all the gameplay we have seen, the unique style and visual appeal is definitely cool to see. Also, the game is not going to require a state of the art computer. When we hear about unreal engine 5, that definitely tends to make us think the game will require a massive computer. That is not the case, the game does a very good job at running well even on older computers, if we go by the system requirements.
That being said, there’s a lot to be had in the game, from materials you can use for your vehicles to the great abilities your character can have and so on. The continent is huge and being able to explore all of it at your own pace is really interesting. Plus, you are not limited to a specific region for the entire game, you can advance and explore accordingly.
Should you play Sand Land?
Yes, if you are a fan of the manga or just want to enjoy a great JRPG, Sand Land seems to have all the elements. The emphasis on vehicles and their customization is something that will make the game stand out. Plus, you also have all kinds of stuff to unlock, quests and a massive world to explore. It’s definitely one of those games you want to check out when it releases late April! Be sure to check out Electronic First, we are offering 15% discount of the game.
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