Release Date | February 25, 2022 |
Developer | FromSoftware Inc. |
Platform | PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Xbox Series X and Series S, Microsoft Windows |
IGN Rating | 10/10 |
Steam Rating | 9/10 |
Elden Ring is the highly anticipated game from developer FromSoftware, known for their difficult yet rewarding games such as Dark Souls, Bloodborne, and Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice. One of the key aspects of these games is the importance of armor, as it can mean the difference between life and death in a tough battle. In Elden Ring, armor is no different, and players will have to carefully choose their armor based on their playstyle and the enemies they will face.
Today we’re going to cover something people rarely talk about, which is the best armor in Elden Ring. No, I don’t mean fashion, sorry Royal Remains edgelords. Specifically, I’ve calculated the poise to weight ratio of various sets, and the results are surprising. Now, of course, the poise to weight ratio is different from absorption, which is another important aspect when choosing your armor. However, the armors here do have solid absorption and poise is one of the most important stats in Elden Ring, especially for PvP. While we may be ranking the armor by sets, do note that pieces of each set can differ, and utilizing the most optimal set can involve mixing and matching your armor, and altering your garments can also have a large effect.
One of the most important stats to consider when choosing armor is poise. Poise is a stat that determines a character’s ability to withstand attacks without being staggered. In other words, it allows a character to continue attacking or moving even when taking hits from enemies. However, poise is not the only stat to consider, as the weight of the armor also plays a crucial role. Heavy armor may provide more poise, but it also slows down the player’s movement and can make them more vulnerable to attacks. Therefore, finding the perfect balance between poise and weight is key.
So here are the top 5 sets by Poise to Weight Ratio. Before we begin though, be sure to check out our website. At Electronic First, we give you the best games at the best prices, like Elden Ring. Also, if you like our videos, why not come on over to our Discord server? In our server, we discuss games such as Elden Ring and Pokemon Legends Arceus. Hope to see you there!

5 – Crucible Axe and Crucible Tree set
This may be our number on this list, but don’t let its placement fool you. All the sets have similar output, save for number 1. Both the Crucible Axe and Crucible Tree sets have the same poise to weight ratio, similar absorption stats, and improved Aspect of the Crucible Incantations. They are also undoubtedly some of the coolest looking sets in Elden Ring. Another unique aspect of the Crucible Axe and Crucible Tree Set is its appearance. The armor set has a distinct look, with wooden plating and a large, intimidating mask. This gives players a sense of power and intimidation when they wear the set, which can be especially helpful when facing off against tough enemies.
The main difference between the two is the Crucible Axe’s marginally higher Robustness, a stat that governs the extremely common hemorrhage and frostbite status effects. Let’s take a look at the stats of the Crucible Axe and Crucible Tree Set. The set has a poise rating of 32 and a weight of 30.6. While these numbers may not seem impressive at first glance, it’s important to consider the overall balance of the set. The poise rating of 32 is still higher than many other armor sets in the game, and the weight of 30.6 is relatively low, allowing for decent mobility and stamina regeneration. For this reason, I think it’s safe to say that the Crucible Axe will almost always be the better choice.
Another factor to consider when ranking armor sets in Elden Ring is the availability of the set. Some armor sets may be difficult to obtain, requiring players to complete challenging quests or defeat tough enemies. The Crucible Axe and Crucible Tree Set is relatively easy to obtain, as it can be found in the game world without too much difficulty. This makes it a great option for players who want to get their hands on a powerful armor set without having to jump through too many hoops. To get the Crucible Axe set, you’ll fight the two Crucible Knights in the Auriza Hero’s Grave. The Crucible Tree may be a little more challenging to acquire, as you’ll need to head to the Deeproot Depths and defeat Crucible Knight Siluria to obtain this set.
For a total weight of 36.9 and poise of 58, you can’t go wrong with these sets. One of the main reasons why the Crucible Axe and Crucible Tree Set ranks as one of the best armor sets in Elden Ring is its versatility. It’s not the heaviest or the lightest armor set in the game, nor does it have the highest or the lowest poise rating. However, it strikes a balance between these factors, providing players with adequate protection while still allowing for mobility and stamina regeneration, you can’t go wrong with these sets.
4 – Knight and Fingerprint Set
The Knight set and Fingerprint set happens to possess the same weight of 25.3 and poise of 40. The Knight and Fingerprint Set has a unique appearance that sets it apart from other armor sets in Elden Ring. The set is inspired by medieval knights, with intricate metal plating and a distinctive helmet with a visor. The “fingerprint” on the armor also gives it a unique touch, adding to the overall aesthetic of the set.
The Knight set can also be accessed early on by purchasing it from the Twin Maiden Husks, which is surprising considering just how good this set is. The Fingerprint set, on the other hand, can only be accessed late game in the Mountaintops of the Giants by defeating Roundtable Knight Vyke, who can be found at the Lord Contender’s Evergaol. Overall, the Knight set possesses more useful resistances in my opinion, but the Fingerprint set makes up for its lower absorption with a much higher Robustness, which again, is great for dealing with the many Bleed and Frost users in PvP.
One of the most significant advantages of the Knight and Fingerprint Set is its versatility. It’s not the heaviest or the lightest armor set in the game, nor does it have the highest or the lowest poise rating. However, it provides players with a balance between these factors, making it a well-rounded choice for any situation. This versatility can be especially helpful in Elden Ring, where players will face a variety of enemies and situations that require different approaches. The Knight and Fingerprint Set provides players with excellent protection against physical damage, which is crucial in Elden Ring. Many enemies in the game deal physical damage, and having an armor set that can mitigate this damage can make all the difference in combat. The set’s high poise rating of 34 also helps to prevent staggering, allowing players to maintain their momentum in battles.
Both sets definitely have great pieces you can mix and match into your builds though, not to mention they’re pretty light. You can’t go wrong either way.
3 – Bull-Goat set
Yes, I did the math. I’m sure most of you were expecting it to be number 2, but there’s still another set that is lighter, with comparable efficiency. Regardless, the Bull-Dog-I mean Bull-Goat set is a staple for its hefty 63 weight and 100 poise. As the heaviest set in the game, not only does it provide unrivaled poise, it also gives excellent absorption. Its poise rating may be lower than some of the heavier armor sets, but it is still high enough to prevent staggering from most attacks. The set also provides players with a high level of physical protection and a moderate level of elemental protection. The set is inspired by a bull and goat, with distinctive horns on the helmet and shoulder pads. The set’s dark brown and silver color scheme gives it a rugged and intimidating look, making it an excellent choice for players who want to strike fear into their enemies.
It may look a little ridiculous, but this set is insane when combined with the Bull-Goat Talisman, Great Jar Talisman, Erdtree’s Favor, and a healthy amount of endurance to hit the highest poise benchmarks. In some PvP communities, this strategy is not looked up favorably, however, which is a testament to how good it is. Acquiring this set can be a little tricky though, as you’ll need to spare Patches, progress into the Volcano Manor questline, and invade Great Horned Tragoth.
2 – Mausoleum Knight set
Our number 2 is a special case. Unlike the other sets in this list, this one doesn’t have a helmet. Its poise to weight ratio though, is very comparable to that of the Bull-Goat set, with 23 weight and 37 poise. Additionally, the Mausoleum Knight Set has a unique appearance that sets it apart from other armor sets in Elden Ring. The set is inspired by medieval knights, with intricate metal plating and a distinctive helmet with a visor. The black and silver color scheme of the armor gives it a sleek and menacing appearance. The Mausoleum Knights drop them, headless enemies that can be found in various areas across the Lands Between, such as the Black Knives Catacombs.
One of the most significant advantages of the Mausoleum Knight Set is its high poise rating. Poise is a stat in Elden Ring that determines a player’s resistance to being staggered by enemy attacks. The higher a player’s poise rating, the less likely they are to be interrupted in the middle of an attack or animation. This can be especially helpful in Elden Ring, where enemies can deal heavy damage and interrupt a player’s attacks. The Mausoleum Knight Set provides players with excellent protection against physical damage. This makes it an excellent choice for players who want to tank through enemies’ attacks and deal damage at the same time. The set’s high poise rating also helps to prevent staggering, allowing players to maintain their momentum in battles.
One drawback of the Mausoleum Knight Set is its weight. The set is one of the heaviest in the game, which can make it difficult for players to maintain their mobility and stamina regeneration. However, the set’s high poise rating and excellent protection make it a worthwhile investment for players who want to prioritize defense over mobility.
1 – Veteran’s Set
Is anyone actually surprised? This set, for whatever reason, is so much more efficient than the rest with its 45 weight and ridiculous 79 poise. It also looks amazing for such broken armor, which is an uncommon occurrence in Elden Ring. To get the Veteran’s set, you will need to travel to the Mountaintops of the Giants and defeat Commander Niall. Once you do, you’ll be able to purchase the entire set from Finger Reader Enia in the Roundtable Hold. Getting the best set in this list is that easy guys!
Now of course, these are just the best sets, ranked by their poise to weight ratio. Mixing and matching pieces, especially with the many helmets that can grant special effects opens up another can of worms. This is just a reference for you to decide what sets are good for achieving high poise to armor through enemies in PvE or reaching the many desirable poise breakpoints in PvP. What do you guys think? Do let us know in the comment section below, we really wanna hear from you. Also, be sure to check out our Discord server, where we talk about the latest and upcoming games.
So why wait? Head on over to Electronic First, grab a copy of Elden Ring and start your journey through the dangerous and beautiful world of Elden Ring. Don’t forget to check out our blog for useful tips and insights on the game. With the right armor and mindset, you can conquer the challenges of Elden Ring and emerge victorious.
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